
African academy

Everything You Need to Know About Our Electrical Draughting Course

Does the electrical world awaken your curiosity? Do you want to be part of bringing an electrical stations, units, or machinery to life? If so, our electrical draughting course is for you! Developed with industry professionals, is aimed at developing your practical industry skills, our course will teach you all you need to know to become a successful electrical draughtsman.

Purpose: The purpose of this N2-N3 Certificate Electrical Engineering Course is to introduce students to the electrical heavy current field and the electrical light current field, and equip them with the skills to draught electrical diagrams that function effectively.

A qualified learner will be able to:

Assist electricians and electrical engineers with draughting technically sound diagrams that will be used in the generation, installation, distribution and usage of electricity via electrically-operated equipment such as fridges, generators, stoves, and industrial machinery.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe. Think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

– Nikola Tesla

Electrical Draughting Course Structure: Electrical Engineering N2 Certificate

Admission Requirements:

N2: N1 or equivalent


Our selection procedure consists of proof of the above qualifications/reference and an interview to confirm suitability, aptitude, and experience.

N2 Knowledge Modules:


The duration of each level is THREE months, therefore, a TRIMESTER timetable is followed. Registration takes place in January, April and August, enabling the successful student to accumulate THREE national certificates during the course of one year.

Electrical Draughting Course Fees:

Course only – R 10 000.00 per 4 subjects or R 3 000.00 per subject

Electrical Draughting Course Structure: Electrical Engineering N3 Certificate

Admission Requirements:

N3: N2 or equivalent

N3 Knowledge Modules:


The duration of each level is THREE months; therefore, a TRIMESTER timetable is followed. Registration takes place in January, April and August, enabling the successful student to accumulate THREE national certificates during the course of one year.

Electrical Draughting Course Fees:

Course only – R 10 000.00 4 subjects or R 3 000.00 per subject


The pass requirement is a minimum of 40% per subject. Evaluations are cumulative, based on regular class tests and practical testing. At the end of each trimester an external examination is written.

Career Opportunities:

The holder of a National N2 – N3 Certificate in Electrical Engineering will be able to take up employment in one of the following fields:

  • Electrical Engineering & Construction
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Process Control
  • Digital Electronic Engineering
  • Industrial Electronic Engineering

Have any further questions about our Electrical Draughting Course? Get in touch with our friendly staff for answers.


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