
African academy

What Mechanical Draughting Has in Store

If you’re a hands-on, practical person who is always trying to take things apart to figure out how they work, then you’ll be a great fit in the world of mechanical engineering. Open the door to this fascinating field through our mechanical draughting course, which has been developed with industry professionals in order to maintain high standards and produce employable students.

Mechanical Engineering covers the design, manufacture, and maintenance of a wide range of Industrial appliances. Students can study towards their National N1 – N3 Certificates in Mechanical Engineering part time or full time.

Purpose: To introduce students to the field of mechanical engineering, and to equip them with solid draughting skills that are specifically suited to this field.

A qualified learner will be able to: Draught mechanical drawings that render workable appliances, car parts, and machinery.

Selection Procedure: Proof of the above qualifications/reference and interview to confirm suitability, aptitude and experience.

“I can never satisfy myself until I can make a mechanical model of a thing. If I can make a mechanical model, I can understand it.”

– Lord Kelvin

Mechanical Draughting Course Structure: Mechanical Engineering N2 Certificate

Admission Requirements:

N2: N1 or equivalent

N2 Knowledge Modules:


The duration of each level is THREE months; therefore a TRIMESTER timetable is followed. Registration takes place in January, April and August, enabling the successful student to accumulate THREE national certificates during the course of one year.

mechanical Draughting Course Fees:

Course only – R 10 000.00 4 subjects or R 3 000.00 per subjects

Mechanical Draughting Course Structure: Mechanical Engineering N3 Certificate

Admission Requirements:

N3: N2 or equivalent

N3 Knowledge Modules:


The duration of each level is THREE months, therefore a TRIMESTER timetable is followed. Registration takes place in January, April and August, enabling the successful student to accumulate THREE national certificates during the course of one year.

Mechanical Draughting Course Fees:

Course only – R10 000.00 per 4 subjects or R3000 per subjects


The pass requirement is a minimum of 40% per subject. Evaluations are cumulative, based on regular class tests and practical testing. At the end of each trimester an external examination is written.

Career Opportunities:

The holder of a National N2 – N3 Certificate in Mechanical Engineering will be able to take up employment in one of the following fields:

  • Draughtsperson
  • Fitter & Turner
  • Toolmaker
  • Millwright
  • Machinist
  • Instrument Technician
  • Mechanical Technician
  • AutoCAD Designer

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